Frigate e mqtt , os sensores nao funcionam

pessoal, meu frigate funciona perfeitamente, detectando tudo que quero, porem os sensores no ha nao funcionam, ficam indisponiveis, eu ja fiz:
reinstalar o mqtt
reinstalar o frigate do zero
atualizar o ha

e nada adianta, vou colocar os logs do mqtt:
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/
[22:36:10] INFO: Setting up user frigate
[22:36:11] INFO: SSL is not enabled
cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ exited 0
cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/
cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ exited 0
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
services-up: info: copying legacy longrun mosquitto (no readiness notification)
services-up: info: copying legacy longrun nginx (no readiness notification)
[22:36:11] INFO: Starting NGINX for authentication handling…
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[22:36:12] INFO: Starting mosquitto MQTT broker…
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Warning: Mosquitto should not be run as root/administrator.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: mosquitto version 2.0.18 starting
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Loading plugin: /usr/share/mosquitto/
2024-03-07 22:36:12: ├── Username/password checking enabled.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: ├── TLS-PSK checking enabled.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: └── Extended authentication not enabled.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Opening websockets listen socket on port 1884.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: mosquitto version 2.0.18 running
2024-03-07 22:36:12: New connection from on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:36:12: Client disconnected due to protocol error.
[22:36:13] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
[22:36:13] INFO: Successfully send service information to the Supervisor.
2024-03-07 22:36:17: New connection from on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:36:17: New client connected from as frigate (p2, c1, k60, u’frigate’).
2024-03-07 22:36:31: Client frigate disconnected.
2024-03-07 22:36:46: New connection from on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:36:46: New client connected from as frigate (p2, c1, k60, u’frigate’).
2024-03-07 22:46:56: Client frigate disconnected.
2024-03-07 22:50:14: New connection from on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:50:14: New client connected from as frigate (p2, c1, k60, u’frigate’).
2024-03-07 22:52:43: Client frigate disconnected.
2024-03-07 22:54:49: New connection from on port 1883.
2024-03-07 22:54:49: New client connected from as frigate (p2, c1, k60, u’frigate’).

do frugate:
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare: starting
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare successfully started
s6-rc: info: service nginx-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service nginx-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate: starting
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck successfully started
s6-rc: info: service frigate successfully started
s6-rc: info: service nginx: starting
s6-rc: info: service nginx successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
2024-03-08 01:54:45.997991008 [INFO] Preparing Frigate…
2024-03-08 01:54:46.001132006 [INFO] Starting NGINX…
2024-03-08 01:54:46.017926141 [INFO] Preparing new go2rtc config…
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
2024-03-08 01:54:46.072345956 [INFO] Starting Frigate…
2024-03-08 01:54:46.084485602 [INFO] Got IP address from supervisor:
2024-03-08 01:54:46.143713383 [INFO] Got WebRTC port from supervisor: 8555
2024-03-08 01:54:46.692186797 [INFO] Starting go2rtc…
2024-03-08 01:54:46.794942404 22:54:46.794 INF go2rtc version 1.8.4 linux/amd64
2024-03-08 01:54:46.796821113 22:54:46.796 INF [api] listen addr=:1984
2024-03-08 01:54:46.797384425 22:54:46.797 INF [rtsp] listen addr=:8554
2024-03-08 01:54:46.797898271 22:54:46.797 INF [webrtc] listen addr=:8555
2024-03-08 01:54:48.907580658 [2024-03-07 22:54:48] INFO : Starting Frigate (0.13.2-6476f8a)
2024-03-08 01:54:48.913474544 [2024-03-07 22:54:48] INFO : Creating directory: /tmp/cache
2024-03-08 01:54:48.954909553 [2024-03-07 22:54:48] frigate.config WARNING : rua_frigate: Recording retention is configured for active_objects and event retention is configured for motion. The more restrictive retention policy will be applied.
2024-03-08 01:54:48.959564270 [2024-03-07 22:54:48] frigate.config WARNING : corredor_frigate: Recording retention is configured for active_objects and event retention is configured for motion. The more restrictive retention policy will be applied.
2024-03-08 01:54:48.999790189 [2024-03-07 22:54:48] peewee_migrate.logs INFO : Starting migrations
2024-03-08 01:54:49.008725139 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] peewee_migrate.logs INFO : There is nothing to migrate
2024-03-08 01:54:49.020876480 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : Recording process started: 270
2024-03-08 01:54:49.025370878 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : go2rtc process pid: 92
2024-03-08 01:54:49.101758023 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : Output process started: 282
2024-03-08 01:54:49.111089740 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] detector.cpu INFO : Starting detection process: 280
2024-03-08 01:54:49.112067276 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] frigate.detectors WARNING : CPU detectors are not recommended and should only be used for testing or for trial purposes.
2024-03-08 01:54:49.175351269 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : Camera processor started for rua_frigate: 287
2024-03-08 01:54:49.197151780 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : Camera processor started for corredor_frigate: 289
2024-03-08 01:54:49.214646379 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : Capture process started for rua_frigate: 293
2024-03-08 01:54:49.229470348 [2024-03-07 22:54:49] INFO : Capture process started for corredor_frigate: 296
2024-03-08 01:54:55.990993657 [INFO] Starting go2rtc healthcheck service…
2024-03-08 01:55:00.174684028 - - [07/Mar/2024:22:55:00 -0300] “GET /api/rua_frigate/latest.jpg HTTP/1.1” 200 93287 “-” “HomeAssistant/2024.3.0 aiohttp/3.9.3 Python/3.12” “-”
2024-03-08 01:56:42.253556952 - - [07/Mar/2024:22:56:42 -0300] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 6636 “-” “HomeAssistantSupervisor/2024.02.1 aiohttp/3.9.3 Python/3.12” “-”

e fica ssim:

alguem pode me ajudar?

Vc verificou se as msg estão chegando no mqtt?

Usa o mqtt Explorer para verificar.

Como está a configuração do seu mqtt server no arquivo configuration do frigate? Acho que está com dados errados.

Segue configuração do mqtt no frigate

Conforme meu mqtt

Acredito que está tudo certo com meu mqtt e o frigate, mas os sensores ficam sempre indisponível no ha

Na última foto está aparecendo sua url externa, apague a url da foto.

Está dando erro de usuário nulo e várias desconecções

E como resolver?

Mas estou acompanhando o Explorer, e está sendo atualizado sempre ué tem movimento na câmera, acredito que o frigate está enviando os dados para o mqtt mas o ha não está ouvindo o tópico

Já esgotei meu conhecimento kkkk

Não faço a mínima ideia kkkkk.

Vc alterou alguma coisa no mqtt (addon)?

Pelo Explorer vc pode mudar os valores e verificar se manualmente vai mudar no HA.

Mqtt acho que foi o único addon que nunca me deu problema.

Nem sei se essa msg de database é normal

Só usuário e senha, nada mais…

Vou tentar estudar maís sobre isso

Vc usa o mqtt para outras coisas?

Não reparei no print que vc mandou do Explorer

E seu mqtt tem usuário e senha configurados? Como está em ajustes do mosquito?

nao, apenas ara o frigate

sim, pelo mqtt explorer eu consigo ver os dados sendo publicados

Frigate não tem usuário e senha. Você configura no frigate o usuário e senha do mqtt. Se você não configurou senha para a mqtt, não pode passar essa configuração.

Ou você configura usuário e senha no mqtt ou apaga as linhas no frigate

Captura de tela 2024-03-08 210247

segue os prints do mqtt explorer e da conf do frigate

os usuario e senha estao iguais no mqtt e no frigate

E do mqtt?
Vá em add-ons/mqtt/ajustes

O que tem lá?


E esse usuário e senha é que está usando no yml do frigate?